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Square Now Introducing Cello Square Logistics Market Intelligence Report~!

Registration dateJUL 26, 2024

Introducing Cello Square Logistics Market Intelligence Report~!
Hello! 😃
This is Cello Square, Samsung SDS’ digital forwarding service.
Identifying global economic trends, major news worldwide, and logistics information is crucial in import and export logistics. Are you finding it difficult to keep up with economic indicators and news due to your busy schedule as an executive or logistics staff? Are you able to predict future freight rates?

All this information is included in the Logistics Market Intelligence Report analyzed by Samsung SDS logistics experts.
How often and what is published?
If you are a Cello Square member, you can download the report for free. We publish a variety of analytical reports, including the Monthly Report, which focuses on market conditions, and the Briefing Letter Report, which focuses on major issues.

After signing in, click 『Logistics Market Intelligence > Market Intelligence Report』, or click the button below. You can download it immediately.
We look forward to your continued interest in this report analyzed by Samsung's logistics experts!
Report Sample
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