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글로벌 뉴스 JOC 순위: 노동협상 지연에 따라 2022 LA-롱비치항 수입시장 점유율 하락


Teri Errico GriffisApr 19, 2023, 11:07 AM EDT
Articles reproduced by permission of Journal of Commerce.

Teri Errico Griffis
Apr 19, 2023, 11:07 AM EDT
Articles reproduced by permission of Journal of Commerce.

JOC 순위: 노동협상 지연에 따라 2022 LA-롱비치항 수입시장 점유율 하락 휴스턴 항(Port Houston)의 수입 물동량은 2021년 160만 TEU에서 2022년 190만 TEU로 상승하며 시장점유율의 5.4%를 차지했다. © Port Houston.
장기간 지속되는 노동 협상의 영향으로 서부 연안의 자유 화물(Discretionary Cargo)이 동부 및 걸프 연안으로 이탈하며 작년 수입 시장 점유율에서 LA항이 타 북미항들 사이에서 1위 자리를 간신히 유지했다.

S&P Global 산하 JOC 의 자매회사인 PIERS의 데이터에 따르면, LA항 수입량은 2022년 375,000TEU 하락하여 시장 점유율이 2021년 15.1%에서 13.9%로 감소했다.

뉴욕 뉴저지항의 2021년 수입 시장 점유율은 12.9%에서 작년 13.5%로 상승하며 LA항을 바로 뒤이었다.

PIERS 데이터에 의하면, 작년 롱비치항은 수입 물동량 50,000TEU를 잃으며 시장점유율이 0.8% 포인트 하락한 11.9%였다.

화주들이 캘리포니아 남부의 장기화된 노동 협상으로 인한 혼란을 피하면서 서안의 자유화물이 지속해서 동부 및 걸프 연안으로 이탈하고 있다. 이 협상은 해결책이 눈에 보이지 않은 상태로 1년 이상 지속되고 있다.

사바나항의 수입 물동량은 작년 소폭 상승하며 시장점유율이 2021년 7.9%에서 8.1%로 상승했다. 한편, 휴스턴항이 밴쿠버항을 북미 수입 5위에서 밀어냈다. 휴스턴항의 수입 물동량은 2021년 160만 TEU에서 190만 TEU로 상승하며 시장점유율의 5.4%를 차지한 반면, 밴쿠버항은 2021년 5.5%에서 하락하여 5.2%를 기록했다.

멕시코의 만자닐로 항과 버지니아(노퍽)항, 찰스턴항, 노스웨스트 항만연합이 수입 기준 JOC 2022 상위 10개 북미 컨테이너항만으로 선정됐다.

PIERS에 따르면, 전체적으로 상위 25개 항이 작년 북미 컨테이너 수입량인 3,350만TEU의 95.6%를 처리했다. 휴스턴항 수출 물동량 급증 한편, 사바나항은 북미 수출 컨테이너항만에서 시장점유율이 2021년 8.3%에서 작년 8.5%로 상승하며 1위 자리를 유지했다. 이로써 뉴욕 뉴저지항과의 격차를 0.4% 포인트로 더 벌렸다. 뉴욕 뉴저지항의 수출 성장은 2022년 제자리를 유지했다. 큰 수출 물동량 확대로 인하여 휴스턴 항의 시장점유율은 2021년 6.3%에서 작년 7.9%로 상승했다.

4위 LA항과 5위 롱비치항은 2022년 수출 물동량의 큰 변화 없이 각각 시장점유율 7.5%와 6.7%를 기록했다.

버지니아항과 몬트리올 항의 시장점유율은 각각 0.3% 포인트와 0.1% 포인트 상승한 반면, 남은 상위 10위 항들(밴쿠버, 만자닐로, 오클랜드)은 물동량이 하락했다.

PIERS에 의하면, 작년 북미 컨테이너 수출 1,440만 TEU 중 상위 25개 항이 해당 물동량의 94.8%를 처리했다.

미국 통계국(US Census Bureau)에 따르면, 2014년 이래 미국에서 수출되는 자동차 선적이 많이 증가하였으며, 팬데믹 이후 농수산과 그 외 수지와 같은 미국산 상품의 수출도 증가하고 있다.
· Contact Teri Errico Griffis at teri.griffis@spglobal.com.
JOC 수입 기준 상위 25개 북미 컨테이너항 연간 컨테이너 수입량(적재된TEU).

JOC 수입 기준 상위 25개 북미 컨테이너항은 2022년 북미 컨테이너 수입의 95.6%(3,350만 TEU)를 처리했다. 2022년 상위 25개 북미 항의 전체 수입 물동량(미국항 16개, 캐나다항 4개, 멕시코항 5개)은 전년 대비 0.2% 상승했다. 2022년 북미 컨테이너 수입 거래를 선도한 곳은 LA항과 뉴욕 뉴저지항, 그리고 롱비치항이었다. 이 항들의 혼합 물동량은 1,380만 TEU로 전년 대비 2.8% 하락했으며, 전체 북미 컨테이너 수입 거래의 39.3%를 차지했다.
JOC 수입 기준 상위 25개 북미 컨테이너항
2022 Rank North American Port 2022 MS TEU Volume Market Share
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021
1 Los Angeles 13.9% 4,652,305 4,838,892 5,257,741 4,878,783 15.3% 15.7% 15.1%
2 New York-New Jersey 13.5% 3,778,210 3,941,832 4,500,592 4,739,305 12.4% 12.8% 12.9%
3 Long Beach 11.9% 3,711,920 4,012,240 4,422,776 4,170,489 12.2% 13.0% 12.7%
4 Savannah 8.1% 2,212,961 2,303,717 2,752,721 2,842,695 7.3% 7.5% 7.9%
5 Houston 5.4% 1,244,502 1,293,284 1,623,057 1,896,884 4.1% 4.2% 4.7%
6 Vancouver, BC 5.2% 1,709,398 1,797,582 1,909,017 1,835,407 5.6% 5.8% 5.5%
7 Manzanillo 4.7% 1,334,924 1,275,409 1,568,046 1,632,436 4.4% 4.1% 4.5%
8 Virginia 4.6% 1,315,155 1,254,487 1,558,880 1,614,402 4.3% 4.1% 4.5%
9 Charleston 3.9% 1,065,448 1,029,495 1,260,651 1,352,354 3.5% 3.3% 3.6%
10 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.6% 1,382,685 1,277,685 1,448,333 1,257,129 4.5% 4.1% 4.1%
11 Oakland 2.7% 959,916 978,426 1,012,352 955,526 3.1% 3.2% 2.9%
12 Lazaro Cardenas 2.4% 610,457 475,779 761,514 855,183 2.0% 1.5% 2.2%
13 Montreal2 2.4% 858,343 818,121 837,457 850,969 2.8% 2.6% 2.4%
14 Veracruz 1.6% 546,586 470,581 566,395 562,962 1.8% 1.5% 1.6%
15 Miami 1.5% 497,151 494,775 561,802 542,751 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%
16 Prince Rupert 1.5% 678,700 643,576 546,944 535,949 2.2% 2.1% 1.6%
17 Baltimore 1.4% 516,614 511,563 464,141 489,182 1.7% 1.7% 1.3%
18 Philadelphia 1.3% 328,434 358,985 417,548 445,963 1.1% 1.2% 1.2%
19 Port Everglades 1.1% 315,335 302,011 365,835 389,274 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
20 Altamira 1.0% 329,684 297,423 363,812 354,475 1.1% 1.0% 1.0%
21 Halifax2 0.9% 273,180 258,185 302,916 315,167 0.9% 0.8% 0.9%
22 Jacksonville 0.9% 351,050 313,363 310,344 311,157 1.2% 1.0% 0.9%
23 Mobile 0.8% 206,558 217,241 260,034 283,618 0.7% 0.7% 0.7%
24 Ensenada 0.6% 147,897 177,459 187,470 206,303 0.5% 0.6% 0.5%
25 Wilmington, Del. 0.5% 191,601 199,724 188,023 184,612 0.6% 0.6% 0.5%
Total Top 25 North AmericaPorts Imports 95.6% 29,219,016 29,541,831 33,448,401 33,502,975
Total US ports in Top 25 75.2% 22,729,847 23,327,716 26,404,830 26,354,124
Total Canada ports in Top 25 10.1% 3,519,621 3,517,464 3,596,334 3,537,492
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 10.3% 2,969,548 2,696,651 3,447,237 3,611,359
Total North American Imports 100.0% 30,498,680 30,897,073 34,901,204 35,042,813
Total US ports 79.4% 23,940,918 24,629,617 27,798,739 27,832,196
Total Canada ports 10.1% 3,519,621 3,517,464 3,596,334 3,537,492
Total Mexico ports 10.5% 3,038,141 2,749,992 3,506,131 3,673,125
순위는 캐나다와 멕시코, 미국의 컨테이너항만을 포함하고 미국 영토 및 소유지의 항만을 제외했다.
미국 TEU 수는 미국 항만에서 적재되는 모든 세계 컨테이너 해상 화물을 포함한다.

1 북서항만연합(Northwest Seaport Alliance)의 시애틀과 타코마항만 총 물동량
2 물동량은 빈 컨테이너를 포함한다.

Sources: Mexico — 통신교통부(Ministry of Communications and Transportation), www.sct.gob.mxf; Canada — Ports, websites.
US — PIERS, www.piers.com, S&P Global 산하 JOC 자매회사
JOC 수출 기준 상위 25개 북미 컨테이너항 연간 컨테이너 수출량(적재된TEU)

JOC 수출기준 상위 25개 북미 컨테이너항만은 2022년 전체 북미 컨테이너 수출 중 94.8%(1,440만 TEU)를 처리했다. 2022년 상위 25개 북미 항의 전체 수출 물동량(미국항 17개, 캐나다항 4개, 멕시코항 4개)은 전년 대비 5.3% 하락했다. 2022년 북미 컨테이너 수출 거래를 선도한 곳은 사바나항과 뉴욕 뉴저지항, 그리고 휴스턴항이었다. 이 항들의 혼합 물동량은 370만 TEU로 전년 대비 2.3% 상승했으며, 전체 북미 컨테이너 수출 거래의 24.5%를 차지했다.
JOC 수출 기준 상위 25개 북미 컨테이너항
2022 Rank North American Port 2022 MS TEU Volume Market Share
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021
1 Savannah 8.5% 1,408,743 1,356,532 1,328,121 1,291,615 8.1% 8.4% 8.3%
2 New York-New Jersey 8.1% 1,422,935 1,260,636 1,295,137 1,231,097 8.2% 7.8% 8.1%
3 Houston 7.9% 1,230,255 1,201,063 1,010,508 1,193,250 7.1% 7.5% 6.3%
4 Los Angeles 7.5% 1,568,489 1,374,827 1,160,328 1,136,418 9.0% 8.6% 7.3%
5 Long Beach 6.7% 1,259,781 1,186,342 1,069,063 1,023,187 7.3% 7.4% 6.7%
6 Virginia 6.3% 877,508 853,941 966,534 954,606 5.1% 5.3% 6.0%
7 Montreal2 5.7% 883,901 789,167 890,706 871,753 5.1% 4.9% 5.6%
8 Vancouver, B.C. 4.6% 1,121,973 1,043,069 878,426 703,005 6.5% 6.5% 5.5%
9 Manzanillo 4.5% 763,638 748,709 790,508 679,618 4.4% 4.7% 4.9%
10 Oakland 4.2% 810,886 808,346 704,268 640,266 4.7% 5.0% 4.4%
11 Charleston 4.1% 793,920 738,742 780,176 619,431 4.6% 4.6% 4.9%
12 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.5% 909,121 778,106 669,511 532,522 5.2% 4.8% 4.2%
13 Jacksonville 3.4% 485,908 500,164 552,325 514,087 2.8% 3.1% 3.5%
14 Lazaro Cardenas 2.9% 234,810 159,618 386,031 436,293 1.4% 1.0% 2.4%
15 Port Everglades 2.4% 408,659 340,553 358,881 362,164 2.4% 2.1% 2.2%
16 Altamira 2.4% 356,070 330,967 379,676 356,953 2.1% 2.1% 2.4%
17 Miami 2.1% 341,349 284,485 337,204 311,874 2.0% 1.8% 2.1%
18 Veracruz 1.9% 314,305 283,392 310,817 292,987 1.8% 1.8% 1.9%
19 Halifax2 1.9% 273,511 249,000 292,324 286,533 1.6% 1.5% 1.8%
20 New Orleans 1.5% 297,830 279,154 243,128 225,933 1.7% 1.7% 1.5%
21 Baltimore 1.4% 220,357 208,026 230,943 210,734 1.3% 1.3% 1.4%
22 Mobile 0.9% 133,176 133,026 149,669 143,048 0.8% 0.8% 0.9%
23 Prince Rupert 0.9% 192,070 193,642 158,861 136,531 1.1% 1.2% 1.0%
24 Palm Beach 0.8% 151,655 126,821 113,827 119,628 0.9% 0.8% 0.7%
25 Wilmington, Del. 0.7% 115,890 105,329 127,146 113,228 0.7% 0.7% 0.8%
Total Top 25 North American Ports by Exports 94.8% 16,576,741 15,333,658 15,184,118 14,386,761
Total US ports in Top 25 70.0% 12,436,463 11,536,093 11,096,769 10,623,088
Total Canada ports in Top 25 13.2% 2,471,455 2,274,878 2,220,317 1,997,822
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 11.6% 1,668,823 1,522,686 1,867,032 1,765,851
Total North American exports 100.0% 17,346,702 16,069,573 15,990,211 15,168,351
Total US ports 73.8% 12,976,840 12,033,291 11,662,668 11,188,000
Total Canada ports 13.2% 2,471,455 2,274,878 2,220,317 1,997,822
Total Mexico ports 13.1% 1,898,407 1,761,404 2,107,226 1,982,529
순위는 캐나다와 멕시코, 미국의 컨테이너항만을 포함하고 미국 영토 및 소유지의 항만을 제외했다.
미국 TEU 수는 미국 항만에서 적재되는 모든 세계 컨테이너 해상 화물을 포함한다.

1 서항만연합(Northwest Seaport Alliance)의 시애틀과 타코마항만 총 물동량
2 핼리팩스항 물동량은 빈 컨테이너를 포함한다.

Sources: Mexico — 통신교통부(Ministry of Communications and Transportation), www.sct.gob.mxf; Canada — Ports, websites.
US — PIERS, www.piers.com, S&P Global 산하 JOC 자매회사


JOC Rankings: LA-LB shed import market share in 2022 amid stalled labor talks

JOC Rankings: LA-LB shed import market share in 2022 amid stalled labor talks Port Houston’s import volumes rose to 1.9 million TEU last year from 1.6 million TEU in 2021, allowing it to capture 5.4 percent of market share. Photo credit: Port Houston.
The Port of Los Angeles last year barely maintained its top spot for import market share among North American ports as the impact of drawn-out labor negotiations on the West Coast was evident in the loss of discretionary cargo to the East and Gulf coasts.

Los Angeles saw its import volumes fall by 375,000 TEU in 2022, causing its market share to slide to 13.9 percent from 15.1 percent in 2021, according to data from PIERS, a sister product of the Journal of Commerce within S&P Global.

The Port of New York and New Jersey came in just behind Los Angeles with an import market share last year of 13.5 percent, up from 12.9 percent in 2021.

The Port of Long Beach lost 50,000 TEU in import volumes last year, trimming its market share by 0.8 percentage point, to 11.9 percent, the PIERS data showed.

The West Coast continues to lose discretionary cargo to the East and Gulf coasts as shippers seek to avoid the type of disruption that has been occurring in Southern California of late linked to stalled labor negotiations that are approaching the one-year mark with no resolution in sight.

The Port of Savannah saw a small increase in its import volumes last year that pushed its market share to 8.1 percent from 7.9 percent in 2021, while Houston knocked Vancouver from the No. 5 North American import spot. Port Houston’s import volumes rose to 1.9 million TEU from 1.6 million TEU in 2021, allowing it to capture 5.4 percent of market share. Vancouver fell to 5.2 percent last year from 5.5 percent in 2021.

The Mexican port of Manzanillo, Virginia (Norfolk), Charleston, and the Northwest Seaport Alliance round out the top 10 of the Journal of Commerce’s top 2022 North American container ports as measured by imports.

Overall, the top 25 ports handled 95.6 percent of the 33.5 million TEU in North American containerized imports last year, according to PIERS. Houston export volumes surge Savannah, meanwhile, remained the top North American container port for exports last year, with its market share rising to 8.5 percent from 8.3 percent in 2021, widening its gap over New York-New Jersey by 0.4 percentage point. The latter saw flat export growth in 2022. A sizable increase in export volumes for No. 3 Houston allowed its market share to rise to 7.9 percent last year from 6.3 percent in 2021.

No. 4 Los Angeles and No. 5 Long Beach showed flat export volumes for 2022, with market shares of 7.5 percent and 6.7 percent, respectively.

The ports of Virginia and Montreal each saw market share increases with Virginia up 0.3 percentage point and Montreal up 0.1 percentage point, while the remainder in the top 10 — Vancouver, Manzanillo, and Oakland — all reported volume decreases.

Of the 14.4 million TEU in North American containerized exports last year, the top 25 ports handled 94.8 percent, according to PIERS.

Rising exports out of the US come as automotive shipments have grown to some of the highest levels since 2014 per the US Census Bureau, while agricultural exports have picked up following pandemic struggles and exports of other US-made products such as resins are on the rise.
· Contact Teri Errico Griffis at teri.griffis@spglobal.com.
Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Imports Annual containerized imports, in laden TEU

The Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Imports handled 95.6 percent (33.5 million TEU) of North American containerized imports in 2022. Total import volume at the Top 25 North American ports, which include 16 US ports, four in Canada, and five in Mexico, increased 0.2 percent year over year in 2022. Leading the North America containerized import trade in 2022 were the ports of Los Angeles, New York-New Jersey, and Long Beach, with a combined volume of 13.8 million TEU, down 2.8 percent year over year and representing 39.3 percent of overall North American inbound container trade.
Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Imports
2022 Rank North American Port 2022 MS TEU Volume Market Share
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021
1 Los Angeles 13.9% 4,652,305 4,838,892 5,257,741 4,878,783 15.3% 15.7% 15.1%
2 New York-New Jersey 13.5% 3,778,210 3,941,832 4,500,592 4,739,305 12.4% 12.8% 12.9%
3 Long Beach 11.9% 3,711,920 4,012,240 4,422,776 4,170,489 12.2% 13.0% 12.7%
4 Savannah 8.1% 2,212,961 2,303,717 2,752,721 2,842,695 7.3% 7.5% 7.9%
5 Houston 5.4% 1,244,502 1,293,284 1,623,057 1,896,884 4.1% 4.2% 4.7%
6 Vancouver, BC 5.2% 1,709,398 1,797,582 1,909,017 1,835,407 5.6% 5.8% 5.5%
7 Manzanillo 4.7% 1,334,924 1,275,409 1,568,046 1,632,436 4.4% 4.1% 4.5%
8 Virginia 4.6% 1,315,155 1,254,487 1,558,880 1,614,402 4.3% 4.1% 4.5%
9 Charleston 3.9% 1,065,448 1,029,495 1,260,651 1,352,354 3.5% 3.3% 3.6%
10 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.6% 1,382,685 1,277,685 1,448,333 1,257,129 4.5% 4.1% 4.1%
11 Oakland 2.7% 959,916 978,426 1,012,352 955,526 3.1% 3.2% 2.9%
12 Lazaro Cardenas 2.4% 610,457 475,779 761,514 855,183 2.0% 1.5% 2.2%
13 Montreal2 2.4% 858,343 818,121 837,457 850,969 2.8% 2.6% 2.4%
14 Veracruz 1.6% 546,586 470,581 566,395 562,962 1.8% 1.5% 1.6%
15 Miami 1.5% 497,151 494,775 561,802 542,751 1.6% 1.6% 1.6%
16 Prince Rupert 1.5% 678,700 643,576 546,944 535,949 2.2% 2.1% 1.6%
17 Baltimore 1.4% 516,614 511,563 464,141 489,182 1.7% 1.7% 1.3%
18 Philadelphia 1.3% 328,434 358,985 417,548 445,963 1.1% 1.2% 1.2%
19 Port Everglades 1.1% 315,335 302,011 365,835 389,274 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%
20 Altamira 1.0% 329,684 297,423 363,812 354,475 1.1% 1.0% 1.0%
21 Halifax2 0.9% 273,180 258,185 302,916 315,167 0.9% 0.8% 0.9%
22 Jacksonville 0.9% 351,050 313,363 310,344 311,157 1.2% 1.0% 0.9%
23 Mobile 0.8% 206,558 217,241 260,034 283,618 0.7% 0.7% 0.7%
24 Ensenada 0.6% 147,897 177,459 187,470 206,303 0.5% 0.6% 0.5%
25 Wilmington, Del. 0.5% 191,601 199,724 188,023 184,612 0.6% 0.6% 0.5%
Total Top 25 North AmericaPorts Imports 95.6% 29,219,016 29,541,831 33,448,401 33,502,975
Total US ports in Top 25 75.2% 22,729,847 23,327,716 26,404,830 26,354,124
Total Canada ports in Top 25 10.1% 3,519,621 3,517,464 3,596,334 3,537,492
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 10.3% 2,969,548 2,696,651 3,447,237 3,611,359
Total North American Imports 100.0% 30,498,680 30,897,073 34,901,204 35,042,813
Total US ports 79.4% 23,940,918 24,629,617 27,798,739 27,832,196
Total Canada ports 10.1% 3,519,621 3,517,464 3,596,334 3,537,492
Total Mexico ports 10.5% 3,038,141 2,749,992 3,506,131 3,673,125
Ranking includes container ports in Canada, Mexico and the United States, omitting ports in US territories and possessions.
US TEU count includes all international containerized ocean borne cargo loading at US ports. Lakes cargo data as available.

1 Combined volumes of Seattle and Tacoma, members of The Northwest Seaport Alliance.
2 Volumes include empty containers.

Sources: Mexico — Ministry of Communications and Transportation, www.sct.gob.mxf; Canada — Ports, websites.
US — PIERS, www.piers.com, a sister product of the Journal of Commerce within S&P Global.
Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Exports Annual containerized exports, in laden TEU

The Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Exports handled 94.8 percent (14.4 million TEU) of total North American containerized exports in 2022. Total export volume at the Top 25 North American ports, which include 17 US ports, four in Canada, and four in Mexico, decreased 5.3 percent year over year in 2022. Leading the North America containerized export trade in 2022 were the ports of Savannah, New York-New Jersey, and Houston, with a combined volume of 3.7 million TEU, up 2.3 percent year over year and representing 24.5 percent of overall North American outbound container trade.
Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Exports
2022 Rank North American Port 2022 MS TEU Volume Market Share
2019 2020 2021 2022 2019 2020 2021
1 Savannah 8.5% 1,408,743 1,356,532 1,328,121 1,291,615 8.1% 8.4% 8.3%
2 New York-New Jersey 8.1% 1,422,935 1,260,636 1,295,137 1,231,097 8.2% 7.8% 8.1%
3 Houston 7.9% 1,230,255 1,201,063 1,010,508 1,193,250 7.1% 7.5% 6.3%
4 Los Angeles 7.5% 1,568,489 1,374,827 1,160,328 1,136,418 9.0% 8.6% 7.3%
5 Long Beach 6.7% 1,259,781 1,186,342 1,069,063 1,023,187 7.3% 7.4% 6.7%
6 Virginia 6.3% 877,508 853,941 966,534 954,606 5.1% 5.3% 6.0%
7 Montreal2 5.7% 883,901 789,167 890,706 871,753 5.1% 4.9% 5.6%
8 Vancouver, B.C. 4.6% 1,121,973 1,043,069 878,426 703,005 6.5% 6.5% 5.5%
9 Manzanillo 4.5% 763,638 748,709 790,508 679,618 4.4% 4.7% 4.9%
10 Oakland 4.2% 810,886 808,346 704,268 640,266 4.7% 5.0% 4.4%
11 Charleston 4.1% 793,920 738,742 780,176 619,431 4.6% 4.6% 4.9%
12 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.5% 909,121 778,106 669,511 532,522 5.2% 4.8% 4.2%
13 Jacksonville 3.4% 485,908 500,164 552,325 514,087 2.8% 3.1% 3.5%
14 Lazaro Cardenas 2.9% 234,810 159,618 386,031 436,293 1.4% 1.0% 2.4%
15 Port Everglades 2.4% 408,659 340,553 358,881 362,164 2.4% 2.1% 2.2%
16 Altamira 2.4% 356,070 330,967 379,676 356,953 2.1% 2.1% 2.4%
17 Miami 2.1% 341,349 284,485 337,204 311,874 2.0% 1.8% 2.1%
18 Veracruz 1.9% 314,305 283,392 310,817 292,987 1.8% 1.8% 1.9%
19 Halifax2 1.9% 273,511 249,000 292,324 286,533 1.6% 1.5% 1.8%
20 New Orleans 1.5% 297,830 279,154 243,128 225,933 1.7% 1.7% 1.5%
21 Baltimore 1.4% 220,357 208,026 230,943 210,734 1.3% 1.3% 1.4%
22 Mobile 0.9% 133,176 133,026 149,669 143,048 0.8% 0.8% 0.9%
23 Prince Rupert 0.9% 192,070 193,642 158,861 136,531 1.1% 1.2% 1.0%
24 Palm Beach 0.8% 151,655 126,821 113,827 119,628 0.9% 0.8% 0.7%
25 Wilmington, Del. 0.7% 115,890 105,329 127,146 113,228 0.7% 0.7% 0.8%
Total Top 25 North American Ports by Exports 94.8% 16,576,741 15,333,658 15,184,118 14,386,761
Total US ports in Top 25 70.0% 12,436,463 11,536,093 11,096,769 10,623,088
Total Canada ports in Top 25 13.2% 2,471,455 2,274,878 2,220,317 1,997,822
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 11.6% 1,668,823 1,522,686 1,867,032 1,765,851
Total North American exports 100.0% 17,346,702 16,069,573 15,990,211 15,168,351
Total US ports 73.8% 12,976,840 12,033,291 11,662,668 11,188,000
Total Canada ports 13.2% 2,471,455 2,274,878 2,220,317 1,997,822
Total Mexico ports 13.1% 1,898,407 1,761,404 2,107,226 1,982,529
Ranking includes container ports in Canada, Mexico and the United States, omitting ports in US territories and possessions.
US TEU count includes all international containerized ocean borne cargo loading at US ports. Lakes cargo data as available.

1 Combined volumes of Seattle and Tacoma, members of The Northwest Seaport Alliance.
2 Halifax volume includes empty containers.

Sources: Mexico — Ministry of Communications and Transportation, www.sct.gob.mxf; Canada — Ports, websites.
US — PIERS, www.piers.com, a sister product of the Journal of Commerce within S&P Global.