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VideosOverview Samsung SDS Global Logistics Service

We won’t stop
Until your cargo arrives safely

Our innovation won’t stop For your successful business

Digital logistics innovation for sustainable logistics
Samsung SDS Global Logistics Service

From IT consulting, solution, cloud, and GenAI
we provide optimized IT services for each industry

With logistics operation know-how of Global Samsung,
from international, local transport to distribution center operation
we provide globally integrated logistics services.

That’s why Samsung SDS Logistics is special
Our advanced logistics centers
are based on Cello, the integrated logistics platform
to materialize thorough automation from storage to retrieval

From arranging inventory, packaging, loading to delivery,
we recommend optimal space and route with minimal costs

We monitor unexpected risks with IoT technologies
our digital logistics innovation
can lead you to have special logistics experience.

From quote, booking to billing,
you can handle all processes easily at Cello Square.

Not only real-time cargo location and shipment tracking,
with a conversation with GenAI,
risk sensing, quote search, cargo tracking info are all quickly searchable.

Samsung SDS’s been thinking over.
How can we support customers to make decisions faster,
for a better business?

The answer is to provide data-driven predictive info and insights!
When will the cargo arrive?
How’s in-transit inventory by product?
How much the container costs will be?
What’s monthly ocean, air freight rate?
How much carbon is emitted, and how to reduce?

From changes in cargo volume & logistics cost to carbon emissions
It helps you expand the logistics visibility.

Our digital logistics innovation expands the logistics boundary
to make your business successful.

Samsung SDS Global Logistics Service.