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Tài liệu bán hàng và marketingDigital Transformation for Supply Chain Risk Management

Digital Transformation for Supply Chain  Risk Management

With ongoing geopolitical issues, supply chain restructuring, and escalating climate change concerns, the global supply chain is once again facing a serious crisis. Geopolitical risks have been exacerbated by the aftermath of COVID-19 and wars in key regions. In addition, governments and companies in each country that experienced supply chain paralysis during the COVID-19 period adopted national-first policies and supply chain diversification, further increasing supply chain complexity. Meanwhile, extreme climate change is increasing the frequency of natural disasters and threatening the stability of the supply chain.

These risks pose new challenges to the global supply chain and further emphasize the need for digital transformation. This white paper explores the major supply chain risks in the post-COVID era and examines strategies and examples of digital transformation to address these challenges.

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