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글로벌 뉴스 북미 항만 순위: 멕시코 물동량 성장, 니어쇼어링 추세 부각


JOC StaffMay 24, 2024, 9:00 AM EDT
Articles reproduced by permission of Journal of Commerce.

JOC Staff
May 24, 2024, 9:00 AM EDT
Articles reproduced by permission of Journal of Commerce.

북미 항만 순위: 멕시코 물동량 성장, 니어쇼어링 추세 부각 올 봄 컨테이너 선사는 아시아와 만자니요 및 라자로 카르데나스 항구를 연결하는 새로운 서비스를 시작했다. © Ievgenii Bakhvalov / 셔터스톡
지난해 멕시코의 만자니요(Manzanillo)와 라자로 카르데나스(Lazaro Cardenas) 항은 미국 및 기타 시장에 대한 수출 생산 증가에 힘입어 아시아 물동량 증가의 또 다른 신호로 강력한 화물 성장을 경험했다. 두 항구 모두 적재 물동량 기준으로 가장 바쁜 북미 관문 JOC 순위에서 상승했다.

2023년 만사니요를 통한 컨테이너 물동량은 전년 대비 7% 가까이 증가하여 태평양 연안 항구는 로스앤젤레스, 뉴욕-뉴저지, 롱비치, 사바나에 이어 북미에서 다섯 번째로 바쁜 항구로 두 계단 상승했다. 올봄에는 Cosco, CMA CGM, MSC 및 OOCL이 만자니요로 연결되는 컨테이너 서비스를 추가했다.

연간 순위에 따르면 라자로 카르데나스는 오클랜드를 제치고 북미에서 11번째로 바쁜 컨테이너 항구로 선정됐다. 새로운 MSC 및 CMA CGM 서비스도 라자로 카르데나스를 기항한다. 멕시코의 알타미라(Altamira) 항은 19위로 한 계단 상승했다.

그 밖의 주목할 만한 순위 변화로는 밴쿠버와 마이애미가 2022년에 비해 각각 한 계단씩 하락하여 2023년에 각각 6위와 16위를 차지한 것이 있다. 프린스 루퍼트(Prince Rupert), 잭슨빌(Jacksonville), 모빌(Mobile)항은 각각 한 단계씩 순위가 상승했다. JOC 기준 상위 25개 수출별 북미 컨테이너 항만 연간 컨테이너 수출량(적재된 TEU)
수출량 기준 상위 25개 북미 컨테이너 항만은 2023년 북미 전체 컨테이너 수출량 1,410만 TEU 중 93.6%(1,410만 TEU)를 처리했다. 미국 17개, 캐나다 4개, 멕시코 4개 등 북미 상위 25개 항만의 총 수출 물동량은 2023년 전년 대비 2.2% 감소했다. 2023년 북미 아웃바운드 컨테이너 무역을 주도한 항만은 휴스턴, 사바나, 로스앤젤레스 항으로 총 390만 TEU로 전년 대비 6.2% 증가했으며 전체 북미 수출의 26.2%를 차지했다.
JOC 기준 상위 25개 수출별 북미 컨테이너 항만
2023 Rank North American Port 2023 Market Share TEU Volume
2022 2023
1 Houston 9.1% 1,198,354 1,345,501
2 Savannah 8.6% 1,292,943 1,269,113
3 Los Angeles 8.4% 1,138,345 1,240,122
4 New York-New Jersey 8.3% 1,232,402 1,228,142
5 Virginia 6.7% 955,965 992,258
6 Long Beach 6.4% 1,045,714 942,717
7 Montreal2 5.3% 871,753 779,111
8 Vancouver, BC 5.1% 703,005 754,747
9 Charleston 4.5% 624,268 661,093
10 Oakland 4.2% 643,877 615,496
11 Manzanillo 4.0% 679,618 595,047
12 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.9% 536,070 570,703
13 Jacksonville 3.3% 519,839 491,061
14 Altamira 2.2% 356,953 324,306
15 Port Everglades 2.0% 364,115 296,548
16 Miami 2.0% 311,874 288,378
17 Veracruz 1.8% 292,987 268,792
18 Halifax2 1.8% 286,533 265,831
19 Lazaro Cardenas 1.6% 436,293 234,731
20 New Orleans 1.6% 226,087 232,601
21 Baltimore 1.4% 210,839 208,424
22 Mobile 1.1% 143,365 159,858
23 Prince Rupert 0.9% 136,533 125,254
24 Palm Beach 0.8% 119,628 122,480
25 Wilmington, NC 0.7% 113,300 107,757
Total Top 25 North American Ports by Exports 95.9% 14,440,659 14,120,071
Total US ports in Top 25 73.2% 10,676,984 10,772,252
Total Canada ports in Top 25 13.1% 1,997,824 1,924,943
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 9.7% 1,765,851 1,422,876
Total North American exports 100.0% 15,643,021 14,723,774
Total US ports 76.0% 11,662,668 11,188,000
Total Canada ports 13.1% 1,997,824 1,924,943
Total Mexico ports 10.9% 1,982,529 1,610,831
순위에는 캐나다, 멕시코, 미국의 컨테이너 항만이 포함되며 미국 영토 및 점령지 내 항만은 제외된다.

미국 TEU 수치는 미국 항만에 적재된 모든 국제 컨테이너 해상 운송 화물을 포함한다.
호수 화물 데이터는 사용 가능한 경우 포함.

1 북서항만 얼라이언스 회원인 시애틀과 타코마의 물동량을 합한 수치.
2 핼리팩스 물동량에는 빈 컨테이너 포함.

Sources: Mexico: Ministry of Communications and Transportation; Canada: Port authorities; US: PIERS (www.piers.com), a sister product of the Journal of Commerce within S&P Global, and port authorities. JOC 기준 상위 25개 수입별 북미 컨테이너 항만 연간 컨테이너 수출량(적재된 TEU)
수입량 기준 북미 상위 25개 컨테이너 항만은 2023년 북미 전체 컨테이너 수입량 2,950만 TEU 중 95.9%(2,950만 TEU)를 처리했다. 미국 16개, 캐나다 4개, 멕시코 5개 등 북미 상위 25개 항만의 총 수입 물동량은 2023년 전년 대비 11.7% 감소했다. 2023년 북미 인바운드 컨테이너 무역을 주도한 항만은 로스앤젤레스, 뉴욕-뉴저지, 롱비치 항으로 총 1,180만 TEU로 전년 대비 14.5% 감소했으며 북미 전체 수입의 38.2%를 차지했다.
JOC 기준 상위 25개 수입별 북미 컨테이너 항만
2023 Rank North American Port 2023 Market Share TEU Volume
2022 2023
1 Los Angeles 13.9% 4,869,765 4,277,057
2 New York-New Jersey 12.6% 4,732,061 3,868,009
3 Long Beach 11.8% 4,164,066 3,621,817
4 Savannah 7.6% 2,839,255 2,348,066
5 Manzanillo 5.7% 1,632,436 1,757,034
6 Houston 5.7% 1,894,756 1,747,736
7 Vancouver, BC 5.2% 1,835,407 1,601,949
8 Virginia 4.5% 1,610,146 1,400,483
9 Charleston 3.8% 1,349,916 1,171,020
10 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.4% 1,256,221 1,057,873
11 Lazaro Cardenas 2.7% 855,183 841,454
12 Oakland 2.6% 954,468 800,851
13 Montreal2 2.5% 850,969 759,353
14 Veracruz 1.8% 562,962 547,188
15 Prince Rupert 1.2% 535,949 369,459
16 Miami 1.7% 542,608 513,415
17 Baltimore 1.6% 488,658 505,223
18 Philadelphia 1.3% 444,808 410,352
19 Altamira 1.1% 354,475 350,432
20 Port Everglades 1.0% 388,588 319,718
21 Jacksonville 1.0% 311,088 306,480
22 Mobile 0.9% 283,498 285,320
23 Halifax2 0.9% 315,167 280,332
24 Ensenada 0.7% 206,303 221,215
25 Wilmington, Del. 0.6% 184,612 182,782
Total Top 25 North America Ports Imports 95.9% 33,463,365 29,544,617
Total US ports in Top 25 74.1% 26,314,514 22,816,201
Total Canada ports in Top 25 9.8% 3,537,492 3,011,093
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 12.1% 3,611,359 3,717,323
Total North American Imports 100.0% 34,783,153 30,801,163
Total US ports 77.9% 27,572,536 24,005,720
Total Canada ports 9.8% 3,537,492 3,011,093
Total Mexico ports 12.3% 3,673,125 3,784,350
순위에는 캐나다, 멕시코, 미국의 컨테이너 항만이 포함되며 미국 영토 및 점령지 내 항만은 제외된다.

미국 TEU 수치는 미국 항만에 적재된 모든 국제 컨테이너 해상 운송 화물을 포함한다.
호수 화물 데이터는 사용 가능한 경우 포함.

1 북서항만 얼라이언스 회원인 시애틀과 타코마의 물동량을 합한 수치.
2 핼리팩스 물동량에는 빈 컨테이너 포함.

Sources: Mexico: Ministry of Communications and Transportation; Canada: Port authorities; US: PIERS (www.piers.com), a sister product of the Journal of Commerce within S&P Global, and port authorities.


North American Port Rankings: Mexico volume growth highlights nearshoring momentum

North American Port Rankings: Mexico volume growth highlights nearshoring momentum Container lines this spring have launched new services connecting Asia with the port of Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas. Photo credit: Ievgenii Bakhvalov / Shutterstock.com.
The Mexican ports of Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas last year experienced strong cargo growth in another sign of Asia inputs fueling increased export production for US and other markets, with both ports rising in the Journal of Commerce’s rankings of the busiest North American gateways as measured by laden volumes.

Container traffic through Manzanillo rose nearly 7% year over year in 2023, pushing the Pacific Coast port up two spots to become the fifth-busiest port in North America following Los Angeles, New York-New Jersey, Long Beach and Savannah. Cosco, CMA CGM, Mediterranean Shipping Co. and OOCL this spring have added container services connecting to Manzanillo.

Lazaro Cardenas supplanted Oakland as the 11th-busiest container port in North America, according to the annual rankings. The new MSC and CMA CGM services also call Lazaro Cardenas. Mexico’s Port of Altamira rose one spot to 19th.

Other notable changes to the rankings include Vancouver and Miami each slipping one spot from 2022 to land in the sixth and 16th slots, respectively, for 2023. Prince Rupert, Jacksonville and Mobile each rose a notch in the rankings. Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Exports Annual containerized exports, in laden TEU
The Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Exports handled 93.6% (14.1 million TEUs) of the 14.1 million TEUs in total North American containerized exports in 2023. Total export volumes at the Top 25 North American ports, which include 17 US ports, four in Canada, and four in Mexico, decreased 2.2% year over year in 2023. Leading the outbound North American container trade in 2023 were the ports of Houston, Savannah and Los Angeles with a combined volume of 3.9 million TEU, up 6.2% year over year and representing 26.2% of overall North American exports.Echoes of the pandemic market
Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Exports
2023 Rank North American Port 2023 Market Share TEU Volume
2022 2023
1 Houston 9.1% 1,198,354 1,345,501
2 Savannah 8.6% 1,292,943 1,269,113
3 Los Angeles 8.4% 1,138,345 1,240,122
4 New York-New Jersey 8.3% 1,232,402 1,228,142
5 Virginia 6.7% 955,965 992,258
6 Long Beach 6.4% 1,045,714 942,717
7 Montreal2 5.3% 871,753 779,111
8 Vancouver, BC 5.1% 703,005 754,747
9 Charleston 4.5% 624,268 661,093
10 Oakland 4.2% 643,877 615,496
11 Manzanillo 4.0% 679,618 595,047
12 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.9% 536,070 570,703
13 Jacksonville 3.3% 519,839 491,061
14 Altamira 2.2% 356,953 324,306
15 Port Everglades 2.0% 364,115 296,548
16 Miami 2.0% 311,874 288,378
17 Veracruz 1.8% 292,987 268,792
18 Halifax2 1.8% 286,533 265,831
19 Lazaro Cardenas 1.6% 436,293 234,731
20 New Orleans 1.6% 226,087 232,601
21 Baltimore 1.4% 210,839 208,424
22 Mobile 1.1% 143,365 159,858
23 Prince Rupert 0.9% 136,533 125,254
24 Palm Beach 0.8% 119,628 122,480
25 Wilmington, NC 0.7% 113,300 107,757
Total Top 25 North American Ports by Exports 95.9% 14,440,659 14,120,071
Total US ports in Top 25 73.2% 10,676,984 10,772,252
Total Canada ports in Top 25 13.1% 1,997,824 1,924,943
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 9.7% 1,765,851 1,422,876
Total North American exports 100.0% 15,643,021 14,723,774
Total US ports 76.0% 11,662,668 11,188,000
Total Canada ports 13.1% 1,997,824 1,924,943
Total Mexico ports 10.9% 1,982,529 1,610,831
Ranking includes container ports in Canada, Mexico and the United States, omitting ports in U.S. territories and possessions.

US TEU count includes all international containerized ocean borne cargo loading at US ports. Lakes cargo data as available.

1 Combined volumes of Seattle and Tacoma, members of The Northwest Seaport Alliance.
2 Halifax volume includes empty containers.

Sources: Mexico: Ministry of Communications and Transportation; Canada: Port authorities; US: PIERS (www.piers.com), a sister product of the Journal of Commerce within S&P Global, and port authorities. Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Imports Annual containerized imports, in laden TEU
The Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Imports handled 95.9% (29.5 million TEUs) of the 29.5 million TEUs in total North American containerized imports in 2023. Total import volumes at the Top 25 North American ports, which include 16 US ports, four in Canada and five in Mexico, decreased 11.7% year over year in 2023. Leading the inbound North American container trade in 2023 were the ports of Los Angeles, New York-New Jersey and Long Beach, with a combined volume of 11.8 million TEUs, down 14.5 percent year over year and representing 38.2 percent of total North American imports.
Journal of Commerce Top 25 North American Container Ports by Imports
2023 Rank North American Port 2023 Market Share TEU Volume
2022 2023
1 Los Angeles 13.9% 4,869,765 4,277,057
2 New York-New Jersey 12.6% 4,732,061 3,868,009
3 Long Beach 11.8% 4,164,066 3,621,817
4 Savannah 7.6% 2,839,255 2,348,066
5 Manzanillo 5.7% 1,632,436 1,757,034
6 Houston 5.7% 1,894,756 1,747,736
7 Vancouver, BC 5.2% 1,835,407 1,601,949
8 Virginia 4.5% 1,610,146 1,400,483
9 Charleston 3.8% 1,349,916 1,171,020
10 Northwest Seaport Alliance1 3.4% 1,256,221 1,057,873
11 Lazaro Cardenas 2.7% 855,183 841,454
12 Oakland 2.6% 954,468 800,851
13 Montreal2 2.5% 850,969 759,353
14 Veracruz 1.8% 562,962 547,188
15 Prince Rupert 1.2% 535,949 369,459
16 Miami 1.7% 542,608 513,415
17 Baltimore 1.6% 488,658 505,223
18 Philadelphia 1.3% 444,808 410,352
19 Altamira 1.1% 354,475 350,432
20 Port Everglades 1.0% 388,588 319,718
21 Jacksonville 1.0% 311,088 306,480
22 Mobile 0.9% 283,498 285,320
23 Halifax2 0.9% 315,167 280,332
24 Ensenada 0.7% 206,303 221,215
25 Wilmington, Del. 0.6% 184,612 182,782
Total Top 25 North America Ports Imports 95.9% 33,463,365 29,544,617
Total US ports in Top 25 74.1% 26,314,514 22,816,201
Total Canada ports in Top 25 9.8% 3,537,492 3,011,093
Total Mexico ports in Top 25 12.1% 3,611,359 3,717,323
Total North American Imports 100.0% 34,783,153 30,801,163
Total US ports 77.9% 27,572,536 24,005,720
Total Canada ports 9.8% 3,537,492 3,011,093
Total Mexico ports 12.3% 3,673,125 3,784,350
Ranking includes container ports in Canada, Mexico and the United States, omitting ports in U.S. territories and possessions.

US TEU count includes all international containerized ocean borne cargo loading at US ports. Lakes cargo data as available.

1 Combined volumes of Seattle and Tacoma, members of The Northwest Seaport Alliance.
2 Volumes include empty containers.

Sources: Mexico: Ministry of Communications and Transportation; Canada: Port authorities; US: PIERS (www.piers.com), a sister product of the Journal of Commerce within S&P Global, and port authorities.